Sunday 25 August 2013

The Film CLUELESS and lessons learnt from Cher Horowitz

Remember Clueless? Sure you do! It is one of my favourite films and looking back at it now, I realise how witty and hilarious it is compared to when I was 11 and dragged my mum to see it. To this day she thinks it's ''the most stupid film ever'' but to me, it's part of my childhood. As I was watching it a few days ago, I realised there were little life enhancing tips to apply to thine self from Cher Horowitz.

''Why should I listen to you, anyway? You’re a virgin who can’t drive''

Get a drivers license. You might say you prefer to walk, take public transport or say that it's more environmentally friendly not to be polluting the streets with these gas guzzlers but I'm not saying you have to buy a car, only that you need a license. Having a license makes you more employable and shows you are willing to learn new skills and travel for work opportunities plus nowadays many positions require you to have a drivers license. Sure it's a little expensive but it's an investment for your future. Plus there is nothing better than exploring the world and having the freedom and control to go anywhere you want with a car.

''I decided I needed a complete makeover except this time, I'd make-over my soul''

Remember when Cher was all mopey, walking around Beverley Hills and realised she liked Josh. She also realised she needed to make over her soul and did a charitable act helping out with the Pismo Beach disaster and de-cluttered her house.
Sometimes you need to regain harmony and control of yourself and get grounded. Try de-cluttering your house, get rid of items you have never used in the last two years. Objects have a habit of attaching to energy, so if anything holds bad memories, ditch it. Give things away to the charity shops or sell them online. It is amazing how many items you do not actually need but if something holds sentimental value, keep it.

Try and do a charitable act weekly, although not new, 'Suspended Coffee' is a great idea in which you buy yourself a coffee and one for another so it remains in 'suspense' for someone who is less fortunate and may not be able to afford a drink. If you don't trust leaving this with the coffee house, how about you buy a coffee for the person behind you or buy a drink for a 'random' person in the store. Look at how you can be more charitable in your local community and pay it forward. Self improvement starts with yourself to change the world around you.

''You mean to tell me that you argued your way from a C- to an A+''

No doubting Cher had powers of persuasion and brilliant selling techniques. Like it or not, we are all in sales now, whether it be in a car forecourt or sending off your CV to a potential employee. I have read numerous books on selling and the little psychological tactics that can influence other. Below is a list of books that I regularly dip into for nougats of information and these have some fascinating insights into the human brain. It is worth seeing what works for you and how you can adapt it to the industry you are in.


''Cher, I don’t want to do this anymore. And my buns, they don’t feel nothin’ like steel''

Cher said each week she would read a non schoolbook and exercise every day to take care of her mind and body The physical benefits of exercise are established. It improves physical condition and maintains mental fitness, reducing stress, anxiety and can add years to your life. Why not do some aerobic activity or go for a brisk walk for 15 minutes a day. I know how happy and refreshed I feel after exercise and what's 15 minutes out of a whole day? By doing it everyday it gets easier not just when you do it 'sporadically'

Reading a new book weekly makes a lot of sense especially for those looking to advance in their chosen profession or if you to want learn something completely new. It will put you ahead of others and increase your knowledge of your chosen subject matter.
To read a little quicker...learn about speed reading. One thing I found helpful is placing a finger under the sentence you are reading and moving it along. It makes me read the sentences quicker than without doing so. Try and see for yourself.

It is said that Harrison Ford learnt all he knew about Carpentry from books and as soon as he put those skills into practice, he became a well known carpenter with a great reputation in LA and all without any formal training. He worked in George Lucas' house and as they say, the rest is history.

So thank you Cher Horowitz...'I'm outtie' x 

Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Perfect Pride & Prejudice Scones

I have to admit it, I am a massive fan of Jane Austen and in particular, Pride & Prejudice. Everyone says the best adaptation on screen is Colin Firth in the BBC series, but I personally prefer the Joe Wright version. I am a but biased as he is one of my favourite Directors, but the cinematography, the acting, costume, everything about that film is wonderful!

As embarrassed as I am to say this, I went through a Jane Austen/Georgian Period phase were I would read her novels, went to Bath just to visit the Austen museum and became obsessed with cream tea and scones. Now I think I may be obsessed again as Director Jerusha Hess' 'Austenland' is coming out soon...eeek! Keri Russell and JJ Feild look amazing in it. Scroll to the bottom of this page to view the trailer.

Scones are really simple to make, seriously! I thought they would take forever but they cook in 10 minutes and you probably have the ingredients in your cupboard to make some this afternoon. Sure they might not look prim and proper and just off the M&S shelf but they taste soooo good!

Prep time: 10 minutes     Cooking time: 10-12 minutes


  • 350g self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 85g butter, cut in cubes
  • 3 tbsp caster sugar
  • 175ml milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 beaten egg
  • Tiptree Strawberry with Champagne Jam
  • Rodda's Cornish clotted cream


  1. Heat the oven to 220C /Fan 200C. Pour the flour into a bowl and add the salt and the baking powder and mix with a spoon. 
  2. Add the cubed butter and rub in with your fingers. The mixture should feel and look crumbly.
  3. Once the mixture looks like fine crumbs, stir in the caster sugar
  4. Pour your milk into a microwavable bowl or jug and heat till warm. The milk should not be hot. Add the vanilla and lemon juice to the milk.
  5. Make a hole in the bottom of your flour mixture and add the milk. With a knife, mix the mixture about so the milk is absorbed. Pour some flour on a work board for the next part.
  6. Put the dough onto the board and work the mixture in your hands. Work it into the flour and fold the dough so it feels and looks smooth.
  7. Pat the dough into a round about 4cm deep.
  8. Grab a circle cutter and dip it into flour ( I used a skinny mug that was roughly 5cm wide )
  9. Put the cutter into the mixture and twist to get a nice round shape. Cut the remaining circles out and re-work the dough to use the remainder of it up.
  10. Place on a baking tray and glaze the top of the scones with the beaten egg.
  11. Add to the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes or until the top is golden.
  12. Eat whilst warm or cool and watch Pride and Prejudice! A way to Mr Darcy' heart is through scones you know!
  • First you must add the jam and then add the clotted cream on top. I used Tiptree's Strawberry with Champagne Jam and Rodda's Cornish Clotted Cream. Yum diddy yum! 


Saturday 10 August 2013

Easy Chocolate Meringue Sandwich Recipe

Yay it's the weekend. Another excuse for me to cook something sweet to make my dentist wince. Meringues are notorious for being a bit tricky, but if all goes wrong you can always make an Eton Mess with the left overs.

This recipe is super duper easy and would be great if you add colouring and a different cream for the centre. Everyone who ate them here loved them so no complaints, phew!

Prep time: 15 minutes     Cooking time: 1 hour


  • 4 egg whites
  • 225g caster sugar
  • 1/4 double cream
  • Plain chocolate or 1 tablespoon of drinking chocolate

  1. Line two trays with non stick baking paper and heat the oven to 120C/Fan 100C.
  2. Put the egg whites into an oven glass mixing bowl or a sturdy bowl and whisk with a rotary whisk until stiff. It is important to make sure they are stiff before you follow the next part.
  3. Continue to whisk whilst adding a tablespoon of sugar and whisking well before the next tablespoon is added.
  4. After all the sugar has been added, using two wet desert spoons, spoon the meringue onto the baking trays. You can also use a pipe to transfer the mixture and look more professional than me.
  5. Sprinkle the meringues with a little caster sugar and leave them in the oven for an hour or until they are crisp.
  6. Remove them from the oven and leave them to cool down.
  7. Melt some chocolate and the cream in a saucepan and mix till all chocolate is melted. Leave to cool down.
  8. Once cool and a bit gloopy, grab two meringues and sandwich them with the filling.
  9. Et voila. Impress your guests or just eat them all to yourself.

  • If you feel that your whites aren't being very peaky...add a squeeze of lemon juice or white wine vinegar to help them along. This snack would be nicely accompanied with tea and a romantic comedy. 


Thursday 8 August 2013

Films that are already 20 years old...gasp!

Remember these?

It is a really strange feeling, looking at the above images and realising that they are all already 20 years old?! How time flies by, and how old I must be getting! Hocus Pocus was one my top films as a child and who didn't have a crush on Omri Katz as a child!? Bring back Eerie Indiana I say! I also learnt that Wallace and Gromit -The Wrong Trousers, is also 20 years old and it feels like only yesterday that it was released.

Now who can forget Jurassic Park...and the theme tune? It has a habit for sticking in your mind for a really long time aarghhh! That was the highest grossing film in 1993 and for a long time after that but the crown now belongs to Avatar. Ultimately it has grossed over $900,000,000. Below is an interview with Spielberg talking about Jurassic Park, the legend Ray Harryhausen and why it's much more exciting to see a T-rex in familiar, modern day surroundings.


Marie Antoinette Chocolate Tea Cups Recipe

Marie Antoinette Chocolate Pots

So this is the first recipe post I have published and also my first attempt at 'proper' food photography using my trusty DSLR. Well today's recipes is 'Chocolate Teacups' inspired by the film Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola. Sure, I could have made Macaroons but that would have been so obvious, plus I needed something a little bit classy and had to put these Doulton cups to good use instead of gathering dust. Don't worry, I cleaned them out before I filled them with chocolate.

In the historical context, Marie Antoinette apparently loved chocolate and in the 18th Century, it was primarily taken in liquid form much like a thick Majorcan hot chocolate. This recipe is chocolate set in a cup and it is rich in taste, hence the tiny cups. It has a more creamy than mousse like texture to it.

Prep time: 10 minutes      Cooking time: 10 minutes


  • 170-200 grams of chocolate ( I used Green & Blacks Organic Milk Chocolate )
  • 1/2 oz. butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon coffee essence ( optional or any other flavorings that you like )
  • Chocolate to decorate
  1. Break up the chocolate and place the pieces and butter in a bowl placed over a pan of hot, not boiling water. Leave to dissolve whilst stirring often. 
  2. Once the chocolate and butter have completely dissolved, remove it from the heat and beat in the egg yolks and add any flavoring or essence you are using. 
  3. Whisk in the egg whites till stiff then fold them into the chocolate mixture.
  4. Pour into 4 small cups ( or 2 larger ones ) and leave in a cool place to set.
  5. Just before serving, top them up with chocolate curls 
  • After pouring the chocolate into the cups and letting them cool, I put them in the fridge for a couple of hours for a nice chilled chocolate desert. This would be nicely accompanied with short bread and Marie Antoinette in the DVD player.

 images above of Marie Antoinette Film Grabs via


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